LAST UPDATE: 8/14/2007

Plenary Talks

June 4
9:30-10:15 W. Weise Overview and future prospect of nuclear physics
10:15-10:50 A. Suzuki Present status of neutrino masses and oscillations
10:50-11:20 T. Otsuka Exotic Nuclei and Yukawa's Forces
11:20-11:50 M. Ramsey-Musolf Low energy tests of the standard model
June 5
9:00- 9:30 D.J. Dean Present and future of nuclear structure theory
9:30-10:00 T. Glasmacher In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with fast beams of rare isotopes
10:00-10:30 A.C.C. Villari Recent activities with post-accelerated RIBs: Techniques and Physics
10:30-11:00 J. Aysto Overview of recent highlights at ISOL facilities
11:30-12:00 K. Morita Experiments on searching for the heaviest elements
12:00-12:30 A.C. Fonseca Few-body ab initio scattering calculations including Coulomb
12:30-13:00 E. Hiyama Recent progress in hypernuclear physics
June 6
9:00- 9:35 J.A. Tostevin Nuclear reactions as probes of exotic nuclei
9:35- 10:05 T. Aumann Giant resonances in exotic nuclei - Experimental status and perspectives
10:05-10:35 M. Vanderhaeghen Overview of nucleon structure studies
11:05-11:40 M. Grosse Perdekamp Nucleon spin structure, 30 years of experiment: What have we learned?
11:40-12:10 S.L. Zhu Spectroscopy of mesons with heavy quarks
12:10-12:45 A. Schaefer Hadron structure in lattice QCD
12:45-12:55 Y. Yano Discovery of a very neutron-rich new isotope Pd 125 (N=79, Z=46)
June 7
9:00- 9:15 W. Henning Award of IUPAP prize
9:15- 9:45 R. J. Fries Quark and Gluon Degrees of Freedom in High-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
9:45-10:15 K. Sekiguchi Exploring Three-Nucleon Forces with Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering
10:15-10:45 Y. A. Litvinov Nuclear Properties far off Stability from Broad-Band Mass and Lifetime Measurements in a Storage Ring
10:45-10:55 Elsevier Award of Elsevier Prize
10:55-11:00 A.W. Thomas Report on the work of the IUPAP Working Group 9
11:30-12:05 W. Zajc Quark-gluon plasma: Experimental overview
12:05-12:40 U.A. Wiedemann Quark-gluon plasma: theoretical overview
June 8
9:00- 9:30 R.S. Hayano Experimental study of hadron properties in the nuclear medium
9:30-10:05 G.J. Mathews Recent developments in nuclear astrophysics
10:05-10:40 C. E. Rolfs Direct measurements for reaction cross sections with high sensitivity
11:10-11:45 E. Fiorini Present status of double beta decay
11:45-12:20 N. Holtkamp Present status and future prospects of ITER project
12:20-12:50 B. Frois The future of nuclear energy in a global energy perspective
Announcement of next INPC