LAST UPDATE: 8/14/2007

Symposium for Centennial Celebration

of Hideki Yukawa

Biography of Hideki Yukawa

SATO, Humitaka (Yukawa Memorial Foundation)

Interplay between Yukawa and Tomonaga in the Birth of Mesons

Yamazaki, Toshimitsu (Nishina Memorial Foundation)

From the Yukawa Particle to the QGCW

ZICHICHI, Antonino (World Federation of Scientists)

Symmetry and Asymmetry

LEE, T. D. (Columbia University)

Hideki Yukawa and Nuclear Physics

ARIMA, Akito (Japan Science Foundation)

Legacies of Yukawa and His Disciples, A Personal View

NAMBU, Yoichiro (University of Chicago)

Perspective on the Development of Nuclear Physics in the Past 100 Years

SCHIFFER, John P. (Argonne / University of Chicago)