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LAST UPDATE: 8/14/2007

Parallel Talks (D)

—Hadron Structure—

June 4, G409

June 5, G409




Elastic Form factors of the Proton, Neutron and Deuteron 






Measurement of the Strange Form Factors of the Nucleon in Hall A at JLab 






Realistic Effective NN Force Derived at the Quark Level 






Lattice QCD studies of the nuclear force 






Coupled channel studies of the pi-N and gamma-N reaction and nucleon resonances 






Meson photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium 






Study of strangeness photoproduction near the threshold region using a new large Neutral Kaon Spectrometer (NKS2) at Tohoku-LNS 












Reaction mechanism for photoproductions of hyperons and resonances 






Evidence for Theta+ in quasi-free photo-production from a deuteron 






A new upper limit for $¥Theta^+$ production in the $pp¥to pK^0¥Sigma^+$ reaction with the COSY- TOF experiment 






Charmed tetraquarks 






Masses and semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons in a nonrelativistic quark model 






Lambda(1405) peak in a q^3-qqbar scattering with a q^3 pole 






A pentaquark picture of Lambda(1405) 






High-enerygy hadron physics at future facilities 






Measurement of azimuthal angular distributions of dimuons in p+p and p+d interaction at 800 GeV/C 






Spin physics program at RHIC-PHENIX 






Transversely Polarized Proton Spin Measurements in Polarized p+p Collisions with the PHENIX 






Recent Measurements of the Inclusive Jet Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry at STAR 






Longitudinal spin asymmetry and cross section measurement for neutral pion and charged pion production in polarized p+p collisions at RHIC at route s=200GeV 






Study of Hadron Structure with the COMPASS Experiment at CERN 












Future measurements of Generalized Parton Distributions using COMPASS at CERN 






Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Deep neutral pion production in Hall A at Jefferson  Laboratory 






Nucleon Spin Structure Study using a Polarized 3He target at Jefferson Lab 






Spin structure of the nucleon studied at HERMES 






Nucleon form factors and structure functions in lattice QCD with dynamical DWF quarks 






Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to di-hadron production in polarized proton-proton collisions 






Global analysis of hadron-production data in e+e- annihilation for determining fragmentation functions 

